
Friday, January 28, 2011

In The Pink!

 I had a great group of pinks I wanted to use up, and some fat quarters that went with.  I have such a hard time with fat quarters, I end up with not enough of the one I love, and then on an intense internet quest to find more.  Which ends in frustration and tears and wine.  Sometimes.  

Square in a Square blocks.
I found a simple pattern using chinese coins and square in a  square and LOTS of pink kona sashing.  I also had a butt load of this pink, for some unknown reason, pink is not my favorite, but I seemed to be on a pink kick lately and needed it all out of my system.

 The top turned out MUCH larger than I had anticipated.  This comes from my ability to just start making the top without measuring.  I just started the square in a square blocks, and whatever size they ended up, that was how tall the Chinese Coins should be, and well, the sashing is large, so there we go.  I had intended this for a wee one, but now, I can't decide.  
I found a great backing fabric, but am not in the mood for quilting at this moment.  Luckily, there isn't a time deadline for gifting this.  I'm a little attached, even though it is pink and doesn't really have a home in my home.  I love the darker pink, how it pops.  

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