It is a little sad/happy day when you finish the last blocks for a year long Bee. I have met some talented sweet ladies in the Aqua & Orange Bee. The final month of April is for the creative and talented Shanna, go visit her blog, but not right now, finish here first, THEN go visit Shanna at Fiber of All Sorts. Shanna asked for half square triangles for the Festival of HST and added a touch of gray to her colors. I only have a photo of this block finished, because making it gave me a mental melt down. Quilters Math. ![](
I had one more block to finish up, and I'm up today at 1:30 a.m., O'dark 30 my Dad used to call this. I had finally decided on a block yesterday. There were 3.5" HST. Good thing I took this photo, in the viewer I saw that bottom gray triangle wasn't placed correct.![](
Correct version. You are familiar with quilters math, are you not? Well, I loathe it. I can never get it right! So it was at every cut and placement I'm trying to make sure this block is going to come out 12.5" unfinished. ![](
And here it is, my final block for the Aqua and Orange Bee. This photo isn't gorgeous as the block is, because it was 2:00 a.m. ![](
Here are most of the blocks I made for this Bee, I think there is at least one month I didn't get a photo, I didn't see it in the group pool. If your photo isn't here, it isn't because I didn't love your block, it's because I was too lazy to photo it! Great variety in these blocks, everyone has different ideas and tastes, and that is what these bees are about. Being exposed to other quilters from around the world and trying something new. Mine is the bottom right, I am making myself not join any new bees for a few months so I can get some of my bee creations together. I am still in 6 Bees right now, (I know, my plan isn't perfect!), I know I'll be seeing some of these ladies around the Flickr/Blogger wonderful world.![](