I am linking up with Freshly Pieced for WiP Wednesday - and in the WIP department, I have many to chose from, but only a few with photos.
I am working on a quilt with my Sister In Law.
This is a Memory Quilt.
My Mother In Law - Sandy's Mother, passed away last year. This quilt incorporates many things that Barbara loved like Redskins, Nascar, and cows.
My SIL chose t-shirts and other clothing for her quilt and photos that we printed on fabric.
All the blocks are finished, and we chose a sashing. I realized when working on this memory quilt, not to cut into the clothing too soon. Too soon makes me emotional, and I want happy vibes to go into a quilt.
This quilt is bright and happy with memories incorporated into each block.
My SIL is not a quilter, but I wanted her to participate and make decisions so that the quilt means more to her. We worked together on layout and clothing choices and we laughed at the cow fabric.
Laughter is the best.
Such a nice project. I look forward to seeing how you complete the sashing. I recently started helping my niece with making five (yes, five) quilts in memory of her boyfriend's mother. We've only gotten as far as cutting the fronts of the shirts off. We have a lot more to do.
What a lovely memory quilt and so nice that you are making it together :)