
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Winner Is......

Time to announce the winner, whhooo hooooo, of the Ruby Red Oakshott Bundle of fat 8ths.

From Mr. Random # Generator.......

Comment #19 is from Heart of Charnwood - Ange!!!

Congratulations Ange, I've sent you an email to get your mailing address.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Postage Stamp Block Swap

I have started a new Flickr Group for swapping the Postage Stamp Block.

The mail date for US group members will be January 10, 2013 and the mail date for International members will be January 3, 2013.

Sigh, there must be guidelines 
Each Block will consist of 16 squares
Each square 2 1/2"
Therefor, each block should be 8 1/5" unfinished
Swap as many blocks as you would like 5 or 50 - it's up to you.
Send a SASE postage paid for your return blocks.  
If you join and participate agree to adhere to the Jan 10, 2013 mailing date.  

Great scrap busting block!

These can be whipped up in no time!  
Come join the group HERE!

Very last day to enter the GIVE AWAY for Ruby Red Bundle of Oakshott Cottons!
Drawing is 10/31/12!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pinterest will get you in Trouble

You can still enter to win this Fat 8th Bundle of Oakshott Ruby Red shot cottons, enter HERE drawing 10/31.

My husband took me to a movie for a 'date night'.  During the previews there was a trailer for some movie that I can't even remember what it was - but Ryan Gosling is in it.  I started to giggle.

Husband:  Why are you laughing?
Me:  Ryan Gosling.
H:  Who?
Me:  Wait....that guy.
H:  Why is he funny?
Me:  Well on Pinterest....
H:  What?
Me:  Pinterest, you know that thing on line that I look at.
H:  No.
Me:  I'm on there all the time!  And I have shown you the page!
H:  Oh.  Pretend I don't know, because I have no idea what pentherest is.
Me:  Ok, that is going to take too long to explain.  Anyway, there is a photo of Ryan Gosling on line with a caption that says:

Me:  What?  It's funny if you have a sewing table.

The Grand-baby shower is Saturday!  I took a break from sewing to make a few things for the shower.  
Like a diaper wreath I saw on Pinterest.  Everything on Pinterest looks so easy to make.  
I am crafty!  I can make stuff!  I will make a diaper wreath.

Supplies, and problem #1, I have been out of the diaper business for awhile, and I didn't know that diapers don't come in white anymore.  They are covered in Disney or Sesame Street or Pooh Bear or Dora or anything but white.  And the diaper aisle has far too many choices for someone who just wants to make a freaking wreath.

Problem #2, which isn't really a problem but something I forgot, when you open a package of Pampers, they SMELL so good!  Like a baby should, all baby powder and fresh.  Don't let someone walk in while you are sitting at the kitchen table with a diaper stuck up to your nose.  Embarrassing and difficult to explain.

It took longer than it should have, for something so simple as tying up diapers with ribbon, and I still have to make some sort of bow doo-dad to go on the side.  I will have to venture out to the store for that, so probably tomorrow the rain will have subsided enough.  Here is the finished wreath.  I will trim up some of the ribbons, but I am waiting until I figure out the bow situation.  You know think twice, cut once.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Enter to Win / Machine Update

You can still enter to win this Ruby Red Oakshott fat 8th bundle HERE
Drawing 10/31!

Ruby Red Fat 8th Bundle

Machine Update!
With a lot of cleaning, oiling, and coaxing I can finally sew again.  Everything isn't perfect, but the seams look 'normal'.  There is still a not 'normal' noise, but I am for the moment ignoring it and sewing on.  My husband wanted to take a look at it, and while he can build motors, work on construction equipment, and fix many many things I break in the house; I cringe when he wants to look at my sewing machine.  I'm afraid, very afraid, like sitting in a crouched position in the corner.  While I know in my mind that he won't at least make it worse, I'm always thinking - let's just let the professional touch my machine!  Go to the sewing machine handy man school before you experiment!

For Hilary in the Block Party Bee, October,  even with all the machine mess I am still on time!

These are prettier in person, the lighting wasn't correct for the photos.  She is going to quarter these large blocks and make quarter log cabin blocks.

For Diane in the Running With Scissors Quilting Bee, the Lone Starburst block.  I have been wanting to give this block a try, but mine did not come out perfect.  I'm not sure if it was the machine or me (probably me).  It was the block I was working on when the machine backfired, and I had to pick out a few seams, once or twenty times.

For Peggy, also in the Running With Scissors Quilting Bee, both for October, and I'm still in that month!  

And for Francine of the Sewn Together Bee, October!  I'm on a roll, except in the photo department, the colors are not translating well today.  Could be the nasty weather.  These really are gorgeous blocks.

Keeping Calm in the Storm - and Sewing on!  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Making it Better / Enter the Give Away

Enter for my Give Away of Oakshott Cotton Bundle HERE, drawing 10/31.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions on my machine predicament.

I took time yesterday to clean the bobbin area really well.  
I also went back to basics.  When I was first learning to sew / quilt, someone told me use the tools as they are labeled.
Quilting needles for quilting, quilting thread for quilting, etc.

I put in a fresh needle, took off the thread I was using, which was really a heavier weight than needed for piecing, took the bobbin case out, replaced it and the bobbin thread.  I was using this one, which I usually just leave in, but it is actually for quilting and maybe embroidery.

The bobbin case on the left is the 'normal' bobbin case, it doesn't have the little pig tail.  I put this one in to use, in case that was my problem.

I also gave everything a good oiling, with this little home made tube I picked up at a quilt show.  It's handy for getting right into the bobbin case area for just a drop of oil.

New needle, freshly oiled, cleaned and threaded.  I did get a good seam out of all the work.  

But the machine is still making a hellacious noise when I sew, something that does not sound normal.  I'm going to keep trying, sew slowly, but carry on through the next few days.  At least I should be able to get to a few things during the storm.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oakshott Giveaway (because my machine hates me)

My Precious, Bernina is in the shop.  

It hit the 2 million stitch mark, and then it gives me a little icon that I need to pet my baby, tuck it in and put it in the shop for some special attention.  

 I have a back up.  An older Bernina.  

So far, it hates me.  
I can't get the bobbin tension right.
My seams are all over the place.
I am screwing up blocks left and right, and seam ripping my heart out.

Seam Ripping Tools
There was some crying and some throwing of fabric, but that isn't very effective in relieving stress.  

I haven't completed a single block IN A WEEK.

Today I take the machine apart and clean it really well.  
Put in a new bobbin with new thread.  Give it a good pep talk.
And start all over.  
Again.  The wine is standing by.


I have a fat 8th bundle from Oakshott Cottons to give away!  YAY!  I may enter myself!

My Giveaway is  from the  Oakshott Ruby Red collection.

A Collection of 12 fat 8ths which all share a Ruby Red Warp.

The Actual Bundle you will WIN!

What is a Warp you may ask?  As I did (no, it isn't from Star Trek, which is the first thing I think of with the word 'warp').  

Some things we should know!  

Michael at Oakshott Fabrics is super friendly and will answer any of your email questions promptly.

This is a beautiful bundle, and I can't wait to pass it to some lucky someone.  These colors work so well together, they are dark and delicious!  

I am working on my own Oakshott quilt top - which has come to a halt until the machine situation is rectified or my Precious is returned from the Bernina Dr.  

Good Luck!
Rules!  (there must be rules or anarchy will happen, dogs and cats will marry, utter chaos)
1.  Follow my blog!
2.  Leave a comment to enter!
Have you tried any Oakshott Cottons yet?  
3.  One entry per person, please!
4.  Open 10/26 - 10/30.  Drawing 10/31 by random # generator.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Game of Thrones - an obsession confession

I am a Reader - I love books.  I will admit though, I watched Game of Thrones before reading the books.  Are you reading/ watching?  I love this series! When I'm with others and we find out the other has read/ watched, we are all "OMG, did you see that part?"  "Have you read book 3?"  "Aaarrhhhggghh! Wait to you get to this part!"

The day after an episode you can not go on the internet if you have not watched it yet!  
This is my phone screen saver

House Stark

My daughter got me this for Mother's Day (the skin, not the iPad).  My kids have all read / watched, I tried to get my husband to watch with me when I first watched season 1.  He said "I'm not watching anything with dragons."  I said "There aren't any dragons, watch it with me."  So, he endured, for a short time.
After about 3 episodes, I said "Maybe there are some dragons."  He gave me a look, and said "Yeah, there are some wizards too, I don't like those either."  So, I can't go all ga-ga with him about the show.  

House Targaryen
And sometimes we find things on the internet that make us swoon

Tyrion Lannister

Yes, just slightly obsessed, but not in a creepy way.  I'm not writing to the characters trying to marry one of them or anything.  (Except, Eddard Stark, I would have married him, but no, now he doesn't have a head). And so, I bought this banner instead of marrying myself off.

And made this sweet as hell bag

Back off, it's mine.

The banner required some strategic cutting 

Lining and handles (I was going to use the orange for a pocket, but didn't).

Sewing the vinyl was not fun.

But, you know, the outcome was worth the broken needle, dulling a rotary, cursing and losing my scissors.
Cause, you know, it's a Game of Thrones bag.  


I was careful cutting so I could get the words on the back.
Detail of stitching, not very pretty, but I'll pretend I planned it to be like this.  The vinyl wasn't cooperative, I think if I make another I will try my walking foot instead of the regular foot.  I would change a  couple of other details on this bag if I made another, but this one works just fine.  

And my son and I find things like this and pass it around.

Can you believe we have to wait until March 31 for Season 3?  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Little Bit Improv

I want to do a little more improv block building.
I started with these bee blocks for the Flickr group 3 X 6 Sampler Bee.  In this quarterly bee you can sign up into a group of particular types of blocks - I was in the solids group.  

Each person in the group chose their own colors and these are what I came up with.  Got these out just under the deadline wire - won't get kicked out of that club, like I did the last pouch swap for tardiness.  

I learned a few things in the process - keeping my strips smallish, it's okay to cut, but not your knuckle with that brand new rotary blade.  Blood.  But not on the blocks.  I am an expert at blood avoidance on the fabric.  And after I posted on facebook my crafting abilities - my family so sweetly pointed out that I might hold the record for sewing through my fingers and slicing into my fingers.  It's true.  If there is a contest for that sort of thing - I'm in the running.  However, the world of fb doesn't need to know that, so I have deftly edited their Christmas lists with said rotary cutter.  

Earlier this week I blogged about getting to a cleaner sewing space - which would lead to more creativity (hypothetically).  
One goal was to get this put together by adding the sashing.
Another goal was that I really wanted to see my floor again.

The blocks were on the floor because something else was on the design wall, and I didn't want to mess up the placement of the blocks.  

This is a memory quilt for my Sister-in-law, of her Mother.  It is a mixture of clothing, t-shirts, photos printed on fabric, and some fabrics that represent my Mother-in-law - Redskins, Nascar, and cows.  Gotta love her, the shirts and sweatshirts are very representative of my MIL, she was from West VA and visited often, she LOVED to cruise, she wore her Redskins shirts and sweatshirts on Sundays,  and damn if she didn't love that stupid Taco Bell dog.

It took me awhile to work on the sashing and now we are deciding if there is to be a border.  I know Sandy likes it, and my husband got ideas for what he wants in his quilt in memory of his Mother.  

Sandy helped chose which shirts to use and showcase and she chose all the photos she wanted.  

I can see my floor again.

Yeah, I still have more bee blocks and my counter is still full, but I swiffered the floor and put away the stash of fabrics that I will use for my husbands memory quilt of his Mother.  Progress in the finishing department and cleaning department.  What was on the design wall you ask?  Soon, friends, soon.  

Stay Calm, and Sew On!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Packages & Conversations

Our phone conversation about a package.....

Him:  You have a package here.
Me:  Thanks.
Him:  It feels like pants.
Me:  It isn't pants.
Him:  It's pretty heavy, I think it's pants.
Me:  I'm pretty sure it isn't pants.
Him:  Well, what else could be so heavy?
Me:  Dude, do you even know me?  
Him:  I don't know why someone would order pants to be delivered.
Me:  It's fabric, it isn't pants!  Open it up!  
Him:  You don't have to yell, I already left the package in the house.  I don't really care what it is.  I thought it was for me, but then I thought it was pants and knew it wasn't for me.  Anyway, you have a package in there.
Me:  Oh, my God.  Thanks.  Do we have any wine?  

It was this heavy oilcloth I bought to make bags.  I'll start by making a wine tote.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Organizing

Linking up with Freshly Pieced again for a mid week post.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Sometimes - a girl just feels overwhelmed with too many options going on in one place.
Like the sewing room, or studio, whatever you chose to call it.  I say both.
I was feeling creatively blocked by the chaos in my room.
I had lost track of bee blocks and projects started.

For the last 3 days I have entered the place that should give me peaceful me time, with determination to get the place in order.  And then when it is ready again, I will be peaceful and happy entering and working on projects.

Last night was fabric folding which was started way back in April, and quickly I was bored of the whole thing.

But, it's a good way to organize and keep your fabrics handy.  I started with a stack of fabrics that were have accumulated on my counter.  My purchases for the last few months have mostly just stacked up, not finding a home.  

I have now gone through 2 stacks of 100 boards.  And there is more.  

I did sew 4 seams last night.  But right now my priority is making room on my counter, on my floor and even on my ironing board for new projects that are swirling in my head.  And finishing other projects already begun.

Keep Calm, and Sew On, Y'all.

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Sew Sigh

I have been sewing a long time - decades.  My Mom was very crafty when we were kids, knitting, crocheting, she even made this game carpet one time.  It was the coolest thing ever, she used remnants and put together a whole rooms worth of carpet with a hop scotch, checker board, and tic tac toe board built right into the carpet.  It was awesome!  I know now that was a lot of work.  Now, she quilts along with me, and she's funny telling people how I got her involved, but really she was the inspiration.   My Mom is prolific with her quilts, sometimes they are simple patterns, but they are FINISHED.  The important part.  Ha!

This is my Grandmother with a quilt that was started by my Grandmother's sister who passed away.  My Mom finished it and gave it to her Mother, my Grandmother.  This is quilt love.

I told my husband today I was cleaning my sewing room.  (I also told him I was doing that yesterday, but we are just going to let that day stay in the past and pretend it didn't happen.)
He said 'let's go to a movie'.  No.
He said 'let's go out to dinner.' No.
He said 'let's...' - Just stop, No.  
It's raining.  The weather turned cooler.  Please, can a girl just get into her sewing room?  I mean really, I am so exciting, that getting to sew is the highlight of my day.  

After cleaning - which means rearranging, organizing and getting all the thread dust up, I finished this block for Quilt Around The World II group.  

Here are all her blocks so far:

She chose blues, greens, and paper piece stars.  

And one Bee block, which was very cool, but a little intimidating.

I have more Bee blocks to get to, but getting these two done today felt really good.  Just what I needed.  

And then, my husband came in my room and said 'I thought you were going to clean this room?'  
Then I went out to his garage and rearranged all his tools without telling him.  And let the dog run free in there.
And then I ordered some fabric.  Next time, he will keep comments to himself.