
Friday, January 24, 2014

Economy Blocking

Just to be able to sew for fun I joined in with all the quilters and instagrammers who are making Economy Blocks - something I have always know as Square-In-A-Square.  I'm not sure how the name was changed, but it was and no one calls it Square any longer.  

I used Tula Pink fabric for my centers, as I had a stack of charm squares from a swap.

The first round I chose all black and white fabrics, some with text.

The outer section of each block are mostly Tula Pink fabrics, I have thrown in a few others for the colors.  This one is my favorite so far.

I have 23 blocks finished, I am making the 8" blocks 
4 1/2" center
5 1/4" for the first round, cut on the diagonal twice for 4 triangles
4 7/8" x 2 for the outer section, cut on the diagonal for 4 triangles

Not sure how many more I will make, I'll just go until it feels like the right size.

Keep Calm, and Quilt On!


  1. YES! Square in a square. What goes around comes around with a new name. Nice job!

  2. Totally, I knew it as square in square until the economy blocks started popping up everywhere.


Comments make me dance in the grocery aisle. ~Mary