
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Here it is the end of June....

Knock, knock, knock - is this thing working????

I just realized that I haven't blogged for almost two months!  
Where has the time gone - it's mostly over on Instagram where you can find me almost daily
Things are changing, and changing fast.  I used to be on Flickr more often too, but I have not been spending any time over there at all lately, but I promise to get some photos posted on that site.  

Instagram makes it so easy to photo, comment, and move on quickly in this speed of the internet world.  It's good to slow down, take a break, and really get more information out about my projects and tutorials.  I have many things happening, and I want to share with you what is coming up, and what I've been making lately.  

So, let's get this party started.

And the real party is happening over at Cotton and Steel.  What an introduction to the fabric world for this newly formed division of RJR Fabrics!  I am coveting a particular line that will be coming out, I'll let you know when I have some safely stored away in my stash.

The Basics Collection

I have a friend - and this is a friend that I met through Instagram, so we were really only virtual friends - you know you have them too - she went to Quilt Market and was able to pet Cotton and Steel in person.  
Then she visited my area, we met in real life (!) and she graciously bestowed upon me some 2 1/2" squares of the basics collection. (I may have drooled a little when she brought them out, and she felt sorry for me). Not in stores yet - Whoot whoot.

What to do with a bevy of 2 1/2" squares - mini or pillow?
I paired the Cotton and Steel basics with some Carolyn Friedlander , because honestly, what doesn't go with Architextures or Botanics?  It will be a sad sad sad day when I run out of these fabrics (but that day is quite a ways off, maybe years off).

I put the squares on point and then quilted a grid.  I decided to go with a black YLI jeans thread around the colored squares to highlight the colors, and make a good outline of each print.

I went with pillow cover 

The Aurifil pillow was a gift another virtual Flickr/IG friend that I met in person at Sew South in March, Courtiepie. And the Joel Dewberry pillow cover is from my Sew South Secret Sister who turned out to be Kelly / Kelbysews 
I think I could be a pillow hoarder - I would like pillows in all the lines now.  Yes I mean ALL lines, not just Cotton and Steel or Joel Dewberry, all.  

I apologize that these photos are not fantastic - most were taken at night, when I do most of my sewing.  And also on my phone/camera, which does a pretty good job, but really the actual camera does so much better.  But not at night.  Another thing to work on!  

Keep Calm and Quilt On!

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