
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Herringbone Quilt

I'm not sure when, but somewhere on Instagram or clicking through Flickr I came across a post about Maureen Cracknell and the Herringbone Quilt she made using the quilt as you go (QAYG) method.

I have wanted to give QAYG a try, and this seemed like the perfect pattern

I chose Joel Dewberry Heirloom collection for my quilt

And I added solids, in Kona and Oakshott.  I don't normally cut everything out ahead of time, I'm usually to anxious to see how colors will come together or if what I see in my brain translates to something that looks good in real life.  This was all new to me

All my strips are 2 1/2"
After I cut everything, I remeasured my bed and realized I needed more strips, so some other Joel Dewberry and few more solids went into the strip piles

And then I started sewing strips to pre-cut batting strips

This is for my kind sized bed, and I look forward to one day being able to actually put it on my bed.  I  will work on strips in between other projects, so it's slow going, but it will get there.  I have 7 strips completed so far

I'm very happy how this is turning out!

Linking up to Freshly Pieced for WiP Wednesday

Keep Calm and Quilt On!


  1. Looking great! A king sized quilt is the perfect candidate for quilt as you go. How is the process working for you or have you gotten there yet?

  2. Lovely! Oh to get Joel in my bed...yum

  3. I have this on my list of projects yet to start as a Chevron quilt.
    I sure like how they look.

  4. Looks great! Love the colors, this is on my list of techniques to try too!

  5. Oh! LOVE your blog name and your profile!!! I too am addicted! Ha!!! Lovely herribone! I too am working with a scrappy looking quilt...gotta love those!


Comments make me dance in the grocery aisle. ~Mary