
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Quilts Equal Love

A great member of the Virginia Beach Modern Quilt Guild runs the charity committee of our guild and she tirelessly arranges for us to make blocks, gets them made into quilt tops, arranges for donated backing and batting, has the quilts quilted and bound by members.  I can't say enough good things about my friend Chen Wu, who doesn't have a blog - but is on Instagram as @mushyhed

This one is a tough one to write.  Only about six weeks has went by since the death of my Aunt from liver cancer.  We all love and cherish our families, and it is difficult to write about the ending of ones life by something as insidious as liver cancer.  These photos are so recent, and it still stings.  I only occasionally use a photo of a family member on my blog or on my Instagram account, being respectful and mindful of privacy.  But I do want to let all of you know how much a quilt can mean to a person and their family

January 31, 2014

My Aunt received her diagnosis of liver cancer, which was metastasized breast cancer at the end of January 2014.  She remained in good spirits and tackled her chemo like a champ, never once complaining.  

Chen went into quick action and arranged a charity quilt for Linda to take to chemo with her

This photo was taken April 3, 2014 when I gave Linda the quilt made for her before one of the chemo treatments
She also is wearing a hat knitted by Kristen Danis (KD_Quilts) of our guild.  Linda lost her hair quickly and she liked to wear the knitted hats

When Linda was in the hospital for hospice care in July 2014, I asked her if she would like a quilt on her to brighten up her room and have a bit of home.  She asked for this quilt to be brought to her.  I have made Linda a couple of quilts and my Mom also made her a couple, so she had several to chose from, but she chose this one from the guild.  That really made me happy that our guild had made this quilt for her, the quilt meant something special to Linda.

July 2014

My Aunt had a special place in my heart and life, I included her in all of our family activities.  She had a love for family, church, Elvis, puzzles, animals, and her work.  I found out later that she had bragged to the ladies at her job about the quilt that was made for her.  

Mothers Day 2014

June 28, 2014 Baby Shower for my granddaughter

I have made and given to family and friends many quilts.  So much of my creative soul goes into what I make, it is rewarding to hear from someone that they use the quilt I made or that it means something to them.   I hope that my quilts are treasured half as much as this one for Linda is treasured, and I asked the family if I could keep Linda's quilt.  I'm not using her quilt yet, I will one day, and I will make sure everyone knows the quilt story.  

Thank you Chen, and other member of Virginia Beach Modern Quilt Guild for your kindness and generosity to my family, from the bottom of my heart.  



  1. What a lovely post, Mary. I like to think quilts make a difference to people. I lost a very good friend of mine last week to pancreatic and metastasised liver cancer. So heartbreaking as we went to school together and she leaves a little six year old boy behind. Thinking of you and your aunt. I love that she loved Elvis :) xx

  2. The love between you and your aunt shines through in this post. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  3. The love between you and your aunt shines through in this post. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Comments make me dance in the grocery aisle. ~Mary