
Monday, February 18, 2013

Stripping Away

I'm in a small group called Strip Quilters, and yes we are stripping.
Making each other a strip or a row for each quilt.  
What were you thinking?  

We have plenty of lead time, thank goodness, because it takes me an eternity to find something fitting for each stripper.

My pass this time around came like this:

Quite beautiful with the brights against the black and white prints.  
The flower row was the starter row and someone else added the stars.
This quilt will belong to Jovanna and you can find all her wonderful Flickr photos here.

I decided to go with wonky bento boxes, colorful centers, black and white prints on the outer rings.

Before quartering.

I made each square 8 1/2" - to finish at 8".  
The blocks turned out chunky wonky bright - just what I wanted.

I'm not sure which way she will have her rows end up - vertical or horizontal.

(this photo is a little out of focus, it's me not you)

This is now off to the next stripper.
I hope Jovanna likes where we strippers are taking her!
If you are interested here was my starter stripper row and here is where I added Row 2 to another stripper. 

Keep Calm and Quilt On!


Comments make me dance in the grocery aisle. ~Mary